Public Meeting Minutes
Lower Haight Merchants & Neighbors Association
August 8, 2024
Lower Haight
April 12, 2024
Lower Haight
Introductions: Elise/Her Urban Herbs, Kim Retreat Spa, Michael H/600 block of Haight, Patrick/Page St, Gloria/Scott St, Richard J/400 block of Buchanan, and Natalie/14th St - Guest speakers: Doug/Slow Steiner and Jane/Great Highway Park
Art Walk:
Noticeable increase in foot traffic for Haight St on 500/600 blocks
4 bands, 4 DJs, 20+ merchants, SFMTA, and Ballot Measure groups participated
Discussion on Holiday Art Walk on December 7 and potentially getting a permit to open up the 500 block to street activities
Slow Steiner
Doug T / Duboce Triangle Resident presented on https://slowsteiner.com
Discussion on recent hit-and-run at intersection of Duboce, Steiner and Sanchez
Initial interest and support from SFMTA Active Communities
Proposal to make two to three blocks a ‘slow street’ to provide safer access to Duboce Park to historically-marginalized communities
Ocean Beach Park
Jane / Ocean Beach for Everyone Committee presented on ballot measure for https://www.greathighwaypark.com
Discussion on analysis of any impacts to transit
Halloween Hoedown
Discussion on a co-hosting/cross-promoting multiple car-free events on October 20
Halloween Hoedown on Waller, Phoenix Day on Page, and Wiggle Fest on Steiner
Open Forum
Discussion on traffic enforcement of double-parking on Haight in front of key businesses
Introductions: Elise M/Her Urban Herbs, Howard/700 block of Haight, Kym P/700 block of Haight, Michael H/600 block of Haight, Michael G/600 block of Haight, Natalie B/100 block of Buchanan, Richard J/400 block of Buchanan, and Jessie/The Faight
Art Walk:
Noticeable increase in foot traffic for Haight St on 500/600 blocks
3 bands, 5 DJs, dozen + sidewalk vendors and 20+ merchants participated
Discussion on art walk survey, scavenger hunt, temporary parking spaces, and activation of 700 block
Monthly Cleanups:
Second Sundays of the month, 1 - 2:30pm; Molly H volunteer lead for April, Sun 14 at The Faight
Discussion on flyers to promote
Open Forum
Wiggle Fest tabling for LoHaMNA on Earth Day, April 21
Discussion re: SFPD Ambassadors for foot patrols in Lower Haight
Discussion on power washing
Discussion on festival lights
September 19, 2019
Lower Haight
Introductions: Thea S, 400 Block/1999, Nikki, Two Jaks/1977, daughter Anais, Michael G, 600 block/2013, Scott H 600 block/2009, Julia P Oak/2009, Derrick from Vallie Brown’s Office, Oak & Scott, Natalie Buchanan/2012, Ari from Sabah 600/Opening Saturday, Brian from NERT Haight/2004 — three later arrivals after introductions
Report on Neighborhood Walkabout with Captain Engler – Natalie shared
Cpt Engler/Derrick and members of LoHaMNA Board
Haight north/south sidewalks sweeping/garbage removal from Buchanan to Steiner
Positive community action all around
Looking to schedule next event with more participation (LoHaMNA)
Intro to new Beat Officer:
Matt Hom (replacing Gordy Moore)
Hayes (and Haight?)
August 12, 2019
Lower Haight
Introductions – Scott, Gio, Natalie, Robert, Cristina Olea (PW), Mary, Birch Alley (Albion Power), Loyola/Fulton, Dan (Steiner/Fillmore), Damon, Mark/SFMTA, Jen (16th/Irving), Jennifer Blot (20th Ave), Daniel (16th), Michael, Daly City
Neighborhood Walkabout with Northern District Captain Engler (Sept 7) 10am — Koshland Park (10am Scott/Robert)
Lower Haight Art Walk, Summer Edition
1 – 6pm, LoHaMNA.org
August 7, 2019
Lower Haight
Agenda Topics
Introductions: Thea S, Julia Prochnik, Michael G, Scott H, Natalie B, Damon H, Nikki C, Abe W, Brian S, Carrie B, Nikki C, Mike D
New member news: Everstrong SF
Abe Williams is the owner (448 Haight & 218 Fillmore has P/T)
Focused on “Compressed Morbity,” human life-span starts to decline starting at about 55, wants to shift that further out
Strength-training, not body-building, slow model, medical-grade equipment and totally supervised (detailed diagnostic)
20 minutes once a week, consistent approach to work a muscle group, 3 mth/6 mth intervals
Large clientele of women over 50, hormonal changes addressed as part of the training
Is there a new member fee?
June 11, 2019
Lower Haight
Agenda Topics
Introductions Jason, Billy, Roxanne, Nicole, Laura, Robert, Thea, Damon, Julia (Board President), and Natalie (Board VP), later Peter & Supervisor Vallie Brown joined.
Intro to SF Shines
Office of Economic Development Program
Provides Grants to small businesses
Goal is to activate sidewalk/storefronts
Construction and exterior improvements, along with design services and city permitting, involves a detailed application process (P&L, Yelp Reviews); 10% drop-off in applicants; Flexible payment model (merchant or city-direct)
New Member News
663 Haight St.
April 8, 2019
Community Meeting
Lower Haight
Introductions/Welcome by President
Call for Proposals for 2019 LoHaMNA Micro-Grants ($1,000 each)
Members pay dues and then this is a way to give back and you can apply online. You don’t have to be a member or resident to apply.
Febuary 9, 2019
Community Meeting
Lower Haight
Agenda Topics
Waste Management Training from Recology “It’s time to create less waste” Presentation
Waste has tripled since 2000. SF’s Zero Waste Goal for 2020 has been revised by Mayor Breed to:
Reduce municipal solid waste generation by 15% by 2030 (reducing what goes to recycling, composting, and trash).
November 12, 2018
Community Meeting
Lower Haight
Agenda Topics
General Introductions
Meet David Chiu, your State Assembly Member for California’s 17th District
– Assembly member Chiu provided a brief biography and shared his legislative focus and efforts in Sacramento:
– Addressing the Housing Crisis
Fighting Trump administration both against and through lawsuits regarding reproductive rights and census requirements
He is currently the housing community development chair and head of proposition 1 and 2 providing housing for mental health and homelessness.
October 7, 2018
Community Meeting
Lower Haight
General Introductions
Maxine Health Center
Maxine Hall Health Center has plans to temporarily relocate to Golden Gate and Steiner Street Mini Park, which is four blocks from the current location, for a capital improvement project.
October 13, 2018
Community Meeting
Lower Haight
Topic #1 Supervisor Vallie Brown Presentation
– DPW 5 Days a week subcontractors to be added to Lower Haight Corridor for cleaning, education
– Supervisor Brown to work with Recology, DPW in improving Lower Haight Corridor
Main goals of Supervisor Brown
Solutions for Unhoused Residents to link to the city services, nonprofit services via pilot programs with strong accountability.
October 13, 2018
Community Meeting
Lower Haight
Topic #1 Supervisor Vallie Brown Presentation
– DPW 5 Days a week subcontractors to be added to Lower Haight Corridor for cleaning, education
– Supervisor Brown to work with Recology, DPW in improving Lower Haight Corridor
Main goals of Supervisor Brown
Solutions for Unhoused Residents to link to the city services, nonprofit services via pilot programs with strong accountability.
Topic #1 Supervisor Vallie Brown Presentation
– DPW 5 Days a week subcontractors to be added to Lower Haight Corridor for cleaning, education
– Supervisor Brown to work with Recology, DPW in improving Lower Haight Corridor
Main goals of Supervisor Brown
Solutions for Unhoused Residents to link to the city services, nonprofit services via pilot programs with strong accountability. Exploring use of churches during the day and building a family shelter/new navigation center in the district, as well as using schools as nexus points to link unhoused with services.
Supporting Housing Opportunity Sites for Development of 100% affordable along with private/public community development initiatives. Working on Parcel K in Hayes Valley to build additional housing. Supporting housing for middle income service sector workforce.
Developing Clean and Green Initiatives — mentioned Love Our City day on Sept 8.
Other Comments Shared by Supervisor Brown
Commercial vacancies and exploring ways to fill those spots.
MUNI – exploring ways to improve MUNI service and reliability.
Page/Haight Street – re-evaluating current systems on streets due to new ride share traffic flows; LOHMNA asked Brown for support on Page Street Neighborway safety improvements
Legislative solutions like Geofencing will be considered to avoid letting GPS applications and other services direct traffic through residential areas.
Topic #2 Page Street Neighborway Proposal / Presentation
– Presentation by SFMTA on Page Street Neighborway as part of city green connection zones linking different green zones.
– safety measures include a raised intersection and bulb-outs
– For full report see https://www.sfmta.com/projects/page-street-neighborway
Topic #3 Victorian Alliance Presentation
– Presentation by Gail Baugh of HVNA
– 45th annual tour / historic tour on Oct 9th
– more info @ victorianalliance.org – looking for volunteers for docents and Merchant partners
Topic #4 Art Trail SF
– Presentation by David Kriozere on Western Division linking public art trails showcasing public work and linking districts thru public work.
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